Publicado por Mario P Crestman

Training as part of the human resource formation process is an important factor for the development of tourism companies, because visitor service is the basis for success in small and medium-sized companies, in order to create a strengthened tourism industry.

Taking this into account, the Dominican Government advanced its proposal to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to build a regional tourism training institute in Punta Cana, as a means to strengthen the experience in customer service, in a personalized way, and with which to train more human talent.

The technical vice-minister of the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur), Jacqueline Mora, advanced this information on Monday, March 27, 2023, at the XIV Ibero-American Business Meeting, during the presentation of four tourism experts in the panel "Tourism in Ibero-America: the great lever for recovery as a strategy to train tourism", expressing that this can be achieved with the collaboration of higher education centers and institutes where tourism and hotel management studies are pursued.

A strategic tool to be taken as a fundamental element to achieve the training of human resources in all fields of tourism, allowing to continue developing tourism in Punta Cana in a successful and sustainable way.